2018-07-31 11:28:00 CEST
Because your name needs to go down in history
Everyone wants to do something that will be remembered, something that will be recorded into history. Imagine breaking a Guinness World Record? What would that be like?
Yes it sounds like something that would be a great story to tell to your great great grandkids, right? Something that will leave your mark…
But, if you don’t have any special talents, and you can’t make your eyes pop out of your face, and if you obviously are not the fastest runner in the world, how would you break a world record?
What if we told you that you could work on those abs while also taking part in a Guinness World Record attempt?
It’s true.
So here’s the nitty gritty:
Holmes Place is attempting to break the world record for the most people doing abdominal exercises outdoors simultaneously.
Our goal is to have 400 people in the Beach Village at the #ViennaMajor on Friday, August 3, 2018, at 10h30, all participating in a 30-minute ab workout.
And, because this is all very all official, someone from the Guinness World Records will be there to make sure that all the rules are followed and that no cheating has occurred and what not. So best get there early so that you have enough time before it starts.
Do you want to break a Guinness World Record? The first thing you've got to do is register. Then, gather all your friends, family and acquaintances for a literal record-breaking abdominal workout - click here now.
Best part - you get a commemorative "Ich bin Weltrekord" t-shirt!