2016-06-30 20:37:00 CEST
Austrians honored to receive fans’ backing
The decibel level on the sound system was cranked up to the max on the opening day of the men’s Pool Play as Austrian fans packed the Center Court to cheer on their favorite beach volleyball stars.
The atmosphere in the stadium was as hot as the temperature courtside on a stunning sunny third day at the Poreč Major – and Clemens Doppler and Alex Horst treated their fans to a victory over Slovenia’s Zemljak/Pokeršnick.
As our photographs show, the Austrians really raised the roof to help their heroes onto a tight 2-1 win in front of the thousands of sun-drenched beach fans.
“It’s great to play in front of these fans,” Clemens told us afterwards. “We are lucky to have this kind of support – there are not many countries in the world that have this following.
“It’s fantastic to play in and the vibes are so good on Center Court. It’s an honor to play beach volleyball in front of this audience – not many people can enjoy these feelings we can.”
With more important matches on the way as the weekend approaches, make sure you get your seat on Center Court!